Spring Kits
Spring kits are a selection of different springs supplied in a compartmented plastic storage case. The kits are available in different spring types, materials and sizes.
Springs can be used in a wide range of applications. The type of spring selected depends on the environment and area it is to be used. The three main areas are;
Extension springs
Extension springs are designed to operate under a tension load. The springs expand or stretch when the load is applied to each end. Typical applications for these springs would be;
• Garage doors
• Trampolines
• White goods
• Tools
Compression Springs
Compression springs are designed to operate under a compression load. The springs are squeezed together at both ends making the spring shorter. Typical applications for these springs would be;
• Mattresses
• Toys
• Precision tooling
• Pens
Torsion Springs
Torsion springs are different to extension and compression springs. The load applied to these types of springs is a tightening or twisting force. Typical applications for these springs would be;
• Counterbalance weights in garage doors
• Digital cameras
• Mouse traps
• Clothes pegs
• Vehicle suspension
• Stainless Steel
• Steel Alloy
• Zinc plated steel