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    Open an account

    Open an Account

    Open an RS account or a credit account – or use our guest checkout for a one-off order and get automatically registered.

    Guest checkout and RS account

    Guest checkout - purchase products without logging in or having to go through the registration process.

    RS account - Register and activate your existing account online. At step 1 of registration, enter your contact number, 'sold to' or 'ship to' number and company name. Register now

    How does it help me?

    • Flexibility: choose a payment method to suit your business and cash flow needs
    • Increased efficiency: use your My Account pages to track your orders, arrange returns, ask for copy invoices, and manage the history of all your quotes and orders
    • Improved cash flow: if you choose a credit account. Click here to apply for a credit account.

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    From same day delivery to procurement solutions, find a range of helpful services to increase productivity, save you time and money.